Going Green

Xtrutech is very pleased to have received a Silver Award from Ecovadis. This is our first year completing their sustainability assessment and we hope that next year our score will be even better.

Our overall score has shown that “Xtrutech is in the top 7% of companies rated by EcoVadis in the Manufacture of special-purpose-machinery industry.”

The assessment focused on Environment, Labour, Human Rights, Ethics, and Sustainable Procurement. Xtrutech received our score on the 28th of April 2022 and this will be valid until April 2023. One of the many benefits of this assessment is that Xtrutech, as a recognised sustainable manufacturer, can now help our customers to achieve their own sustainability goals.

The Ecovadis methodology is based on international sustainability standards (Global Reporting Initiative, United Nations Global Compact, ISO 26000). This is supervised by a scientific committee of sustainability and supply chain experts, to ensure reliable third-party assessments.

A Sustainable Future

Ecovadis has helped us to understand our strengths and weaknesses regarding sustainability, and how we can reach our target of achieving the Gold Award by 2023.

Xtrutech is committed to a sustainable future. As we continue to grow the business in an environmentally friendly way, we want to demonstrate that we are a responsible company, that has initiatives to improve upon year after year.

If you would like to learn more about our Ecovadis score please email sales@xtrutech.com